Friday, April 26, 2019

Book Report Worksheet for Students

Click on the image below to get a free book review worksheet to complete.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Some more book reports, part I

The Gruffalo by Joseph
The book was about the story of a very clever mouse, the Gruffalo. The book was written by Lulia Dohaldson. The Gruffalo came across many dangers, but because of his cleverness he survived. Axel Scheffler illustrated the beautiful pictures of the book.

Oliver Woodman by Joseph
The Journey of Oliver Woodman is one of the best books I've ever read. The plot is very interesting!It is about a woodman who has met lots of strange people. One of the biggest disadvantages, though, is that it sometimes gets childish.

Lola's trip to London by Ioanna
Lola and her friends made a trip to London. They visited many places like the Natural History Museum, Trafalgar Square, and Buckingham palace. They like the Houses of Parliament, the National Portrait Gallery and the Tower of London most of all. They could also see many sights high from London's Eye.

Festivals by Veroniky
The book I chose to read was Festivals. The chapter I'll write about concerns the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro. This carnival takes place every year. It is always well organized. The people who participate in the carnival parades prepare a lot before the day of the carnival. Everybody feels happy!

'Sinbad, the sailor, spends many years at sea. He visits strange countries, and meets some strange people and some very frightening animals. He is sometimes rich, sometimes poor... and always in danger'.
By Maria

My First Plane Trip 
The autho of this book is Kim Jenkins. Flying on a plane for the first time isn't very easy for some kids as they are afraid of big heights and they cry all the time. Kim Jenkins suggests ways that make flying with kids much less stressful. For example, when you feel some bump, while you fly, you can use the airplane's TV to watch your favourite shows.
By Rhodi & Veroniky

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Rosie the Hen

Rosie the Hen video was created using Stop Motion. The props for the scenes were created by year 1 and year 2 students at all-day-school. The story was narrated by Year 5 students (class E2).

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

'Into The Forest' by Rhodi

Presentation by Rhodi